Saturday, April 30, 2005

Lessons in Golf as Lessons in Life


March 27, 2005. Babes Romualdez in his regular column in the Philippine Star writes about the game of golf. I quickly email feedback to him which reads:

Dear Mr. Romualdez,

I have always thought that golf was an idiotic game not finding sense in continually chasing a white ball which one continues to drive further away by 150 to 200 yards at a time.

I have to admit that this concept changed from the time my 2 year old son showed interest in wielding a toy golf club.

Not only do I agree with the statement in your column that golfing is one of the most effective ways to connect and get to know the character of a person, I believe that it is also one of the best ways to bond and form character within children. In a day and age when parents are usually busy at the workplace, golf provides the perfect venue where parents can mentor children not only in the game of golf, but also in life.

I love how Earl Woods, father of Tiger Woods, delineated it in the preface of his book, "Playing Through". This is how he put it....

The game of golf can be a metaphor for life. My life, for certain. I have experienced my share of birdies and a few eagles, yet it seems I have encountered more sand traps and bogeys than I care to recall. With every obstacle or challenge I've faced, however, I've managed to work through it and come out stronger and wiser. And as I walk down the 18th fairway of my lifetime, I hold my head high and make no apologies for the decisions and statements I have made. I realize now that everything happens for a reason, that there is a plan for all of us, which includes both good times and bad. The more astute among us are able to learn from our misfortunes and become stronger individuals. I have been a survivor, a living testimony that others like me can beat the odds, withstand the cruelties, indignities and setbacks that life can offer. I certainly hope the experiences I'll share in these pages will serve to motivate others to press on when the going invariably gets tough.

What a poignant parallel made by a champion's father! On my end, I may be a bit late in having learned to play golf but I am definitely on time with respect to replicating the feat of "fathering a champion" .

As I write this, I cannot wait to wind down the last 15 days of working for a multinational advertising agency. With all the daily demands of keeping clients' business, more time on the fairway will surely be a welcome respite.

More power to you and your column as I do hope to meet you one of these days on the course!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sunset Fever

I visited the agency today to download into the company issued laptop I had left, the remaining files I had promised the Outdoor Media team. The time was a little bit before six. In the distance, the sun was performing its usual yet nonetheless exhilarating exit as it slowly sank into the Manila bay horizon. I was more than glad to know that people at the agency had now been taking the time to watch the oft-neglected lightshow.

My former seatmate, UniversalMcCann AVP, Josette Feliciano, proudly exclaimed that she now regularly took the time to watch the sun set. "And, with coffee in hand!", she added triumphantly while raising her mug. Yes, sunset fever has slowly creeped into the afternoon (or shall we say 'early evening') routine of my former colleagues.

If ever you find yourself pausing at the end of the day to watch sunsets, I will grant you every right to blame the habit on this blog.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Opening Shot

Lloyd Tronco.  Certified Digital Marketer.  Advertising Executive. Media Strategist.  Ex-McCann-Erickson Philippines.  Main media competencies : Out-Of-Home (billboards, transit, etc.), Digital (social media, websites, interactive place-based channels, etc.). Painting. Photography.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

New Beginnings

April 9, 2005...a day before I turn 37. Yesterday, I spent my last day working for the advertising giant, McCann-Erickson Philippines. I made it a purpose not to work as an employee in an ad agency after I turned 37 years old. Hence, my last day working at the agency was Friday, April 8.

At the time I signified that I wanted to resign, there were no clear plans as to what I’d do next. My boss, Venus Navalta, asked me, “What are you going to do?”. I politely replied, “I don’t know”. I just knew deep down inside that the time had come for me to move on. I added that “there could be other things to do which are not related to advertising…I could go into sugar trading…” (See my future blog on “Sugar and other Negros Stories”).

The day I notified management of my decision to resign (which was three weeks ago), I felt like a parallel on a larger scale was also going on. While locally, it meant that I was letting go of my stripes as Out-Of-Home Media Strategist at UniversalMcCann, a shakeup was simultaneously going on at the global level. Robin Kent, the Chief Executive Officer of UniversalMcCann had also relinquished his position paving the way for another fellow, Murray Dudgeon, to step in as CEO on an interim basis.

On my last day at work, I made it a point to watch the sunset from my desk. Working in McCann allows the employees an exhilarating view of the sun setting at Manila bay. Watching God paint the sky with vibrant colors is really a delight. Unfortunately, people at the agency usually miss this. For close to four years of working in McCann, I have seen that generally, people are still abuzz with work at this time of day. Not too many people take the time to watch the sun set. I know this first hand. I've missed many sunsets despite the grandiose view I have at the 33rd Floor of GT Tower. Missing the sunset from GT's quite like having front row seats to a Diana Krall concert with earplugs on.

The sun set at 6:05 p.m. yesterday. In the background, the applause from millions of people at the Vatican who had bid their last farewell to Pope John Paul II. My colleagues at work were actually fixated on the ongoing ceremonies at the Vatican funeral as aired via CNN while I,...I hate to say this, but I was quietly having a funeral of sorts on my own laying to rest close to 4 wonderful years of working with the country's leading ad agency. Lest this statement be misconstrued, the McCann years were among the best in my life. I just had to lay it to rest in order to eagerly await the new things about to come.

After the sunset episode, the highlight of the day was yet to be expected. It took me only 15 minutes to get home from from GT Tower via the Makati-Mandaluyong bridge. I didn't bother to park the car in the garage anymore. I just left it at the curb. I got down, ran to our front door where my wife was waiting. I hugged her. Hugged her long. Hugged her with eyes getting moist. Hugged her with the knowledge that this episode in my life had finally come to a close. Hugged her knowing that the next chapter will be more exciting for us as a couple and as a family as well.

At that point, the day finally ended.

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